Bachelor of Arts Honours in Visual Communication.
1 year - full time - NQF 8

Curious about our Honours?
Our Honours degree focuses on enabling creatives to acquire the skills to produce an independent self-directed visual communication project. The programme is aimed at both recent graduates and individuals seeking to pivot their careers through acquiring the necessary experience to take a creative project from problem statement and proposal to execution and exhibition.
The Honours programme is made up of modules that are essential in developing critical thinking in order to undertake post-graduate level creative work which is underpinned by research. The modules include lectures, workshops, field trips and independent self-study with the aim of developing students’ abilities as visual communicators. Each module is assessed via a range of deliverables that include various forms of visual communication, academic and reflective writing and in person presentations. Contextual Studies, Visual Studies and Creative Practice are taught in relation to producing a single creative project.
Research informs both written and visual communication outcomes and we firmly believe that theory and praxis are two sides of the same coin. The major deliverables of the degree include an Honours level thesis and a body of creative work which are presented in a single publication alongside a physical or virtual exhibition. The final body of work should make a meaningful and professional contribution to the Visual Communications industry.
Our Honours is inspired by the creative and social context in which we learn and produce work and is unique in offering a Creative Exchange as part of the curriculum. This learning journey has the entire class travel to a Southern African city where we facilitate short-term collaborative projects. Our students are plugged into the creative industries in the host city and work with creative peers on producing a body of work within a tight time frame. These supervised projects teach vital collaboration skills in real-time along with exploring alternative creative and social contexts.